PWR & Internships


Postsecondary Workforce Readiness (PWR)

The overall objective of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to work through the natural sequence of career-connected learning activities. Students develop an intentional career pathway plan and feel prepared and ready for the next steps between high school and the world of work.  

What is the Internship Program?

Who am I? | Where am I headed? | How do I get there?

These questions are at the core of Community Prep School's postsecondary readiness programming. Navigating life after high school can be overwhelming without practical experience, so our work is to offer work-based learning opportunities that ensure students gain experience while building social capital. Community Prep’s Internships aim to engage students with authentic and relevant learning experiences that develop skills and guide each student’s unique path.

Successful internship experiences support students in developing:

Course Syllabus

Students will complete the following course work throughout the internship program:

What credits can be earned?

Get Involved!

Community Prep is an alternative high school located in downtown Colorado Springs, dedicated to helping students who were once disengaged from their education and at risk of dropping out.  Our goal as a program is to help students engage in individualized, real-world learning experiences that expand their world to new possibilities for life after high school while building the skills to realize success. 

Students are constantly looking to interview professionals about their career paths and expertise in the field.  

Please fill out the google form below if you would like to partner with us and work with a local Community Prep Student.

Meet Our program director

Melanie Gordon -

719-227-8836       EXT. 125